Gladys Marion Scholarship Endowment
The Gladys Marion Scholarship was made possible by a lifetime member of Girl Scouts who gave her time and shared her talents to support Girl Scouts as they developed their leadership skills and prepared to be the next generation of leaders. The scholarship, for high school seniors primarily residing in Brunswick, New Hanover, or Pender County, recognizes those who have demonstrated significant leadership as members of Girl Scouts – North Carolina Coastal Pines through earning their Girl Scout Gold Award or equivalent participation in Girl Scouts – North Carolina Coastal Pines leadership programs. The scholarship is a four year scholarship and will support the recipient each year over the course of her undergraduate tenure, provided the recipient continues to meet academic requirements.
This scholarship is open to all Girl Scouts. Preference will be given to high school seniors primarily residing in Brunswick, New Hanover, or Pender county.
Jane S. Barringer Award
“Mrs. B” has been an inspiration to Girl Scouts in our council for 50 years! As a teen advisor she has offered girls different perspectives and opportunities to make a difference. If you are proactive and passionate about making the world a better place, apply for this scholarship designed to further your education or skill development.
This Award is open to Gold Award Girl Scouts who are high school seniors or adult professionals pursuing further education or skill development.
Misty Crabtree Eastham Scholarship
As a girl in foster care, Misty joined Girl Scouts and gained a network of friends to support and guide her— friends who joined her in a journey of adventure that provided life-changing opportunities. Misty overcame adversity and embodied a sense of selflessness, generosity, drive, and determination. Misty completed an Associate’s degree, a Bachelor’s degree, a certificate program, and had been accepted to a Pharmacy Tech program before she was diagnosed with her cancer. She was also an extremely supportive and devoted military spouse for 15 years. Her scholarship foundation recognizes and rewards Girl Scouts with these same qualities. The award from this scholarship is used to help pay for college expenses.
This scholarship is open to Gold Award Girl Scouts who are high school seniors. Preference will be given to girls who have overcome adversity as defined by the applicant.