That's what our camp staff and counselors experience when they join our Girl Scout Summer Camp team. Browse our summer internship or healthcare descriptions to work at one of our three resident camps OR volunteer to help start a day camp in your area. There is tons of fun and adventure waiting for you with us, the Girl Scouts.
If you have any questions about job opportunities as part of the Girl Scout Summer Camp Staff, please email our Summer Camp Team or call 800-284-4475.
1. Be able to spend the summer being active in the great outdoors!
2. Help campers make lifelong memories of a truly terrific summer experience.
3. Meet new people from around the world and create new friendship.
4. The look of pride on a camper’s faced when they have conquered something new and challenge with your help.
5. Have a new adventure everyday where there is a chance, for you and the campers, to learn and grow.
6. Have fun!
7. Be a part of a supportive team that is making a difference in the lives of girls!
8. Learn new skills- archery, canoeing, sailing, kayaking, belaying, and more!
9. Gain skills and proficiencies in areas that will help you excel today and in the future.
10. “Campsickness” will occur after your summer with us and then the countdown to next summer!